Sunday, September 14, 2008

Singapore Biennale

More can be seen here


san san said...

Ha ha! I like your account of your experience! :) I felt the same way about the exhibits. One or two of them made me look at things from a different perspective, some made me smile, and "wandering" around the site was fun for me. But some of the exhibits just went way past me...perhaps I'm not meant for "high" art!

Andrew Tan said...

funny james. well you only went to one maybe if you went to the other one as well, the $10 would be better spent. You have to admit that the barber shop one was particularly fascinating.

Jt said...

the problem is alot got the "seen it before" kinda feeling .. and i think the barber shop one.. if u were to go to a circus and see the funny mirror and its distortion, u will get the same sense of wonder at how optical illusions create that kinda "wow" ..i personally like the pagoda one