Sunday, December 14, 2008

flower banquet

Gosh, I'm now totally addicted to this wacom pad my parents bought me as my 19th birthday present three days ago. This painting is much more time consuming than the previous one,I had spent alot of time painting the kimono patterns and flowers. Thankfully, I love how the final painting looks.
You can take a look at my main gallery:

Hu Jingxuan/Pinkjellyo


Zid said...

YOU'RE 19!?!? People get good realy early these days :D Reminds me of the colors in Sakuran! Keep posting more XD

mindflyer 小飞人 said...

Good stuff!! Nice

Hope its the Wacom Intuos 3 tablet.

btw- I have corrected your spelling and fixed your deviant link. kekekeke

zeropointfive said...

Your technical style is very distinct, but i think content-wise, you still need to find something more unique that is your own voice to add to the manga style you have chosen to specialize in. But it's really really well done! Very impressive details to both colour and b/w pieces, especially for your age! :D Hope to see more!

Don Low said...

At your age, I would be lucky to get a box of color pencils from my parents. My dad bought me a book on cartooning which cost $50 when I was about 15, and it was a really big deal that time.