Wednesday, March 19, 2008

jellysquid and moonman


eeshaun said...

hey cherie how are you? i like your drawings (:

Andrew Tan said...

Your drawings seem to be saying some deeper nowadays which i think is awesome. Maybe they are totally random thots but pls tell us more of your thots behind your pictures.

cherie the mrrr said...

hey eeshaun, im good good. still slaving away with grace at scape, heh. you never visit anymore!!

hmm. i dont really put in deep thought when i draw (or in most things i do, for that matter, haha), i just work with the mood im in at that moment. i recently had a close brush with death and im feeling the fragility and wonder of being alive. perhaps im subconsciously trying to achieve a sort of surreal beauty in my drawings now, to celebrate that.

ken lee said...

i've attracted by the "jelly creature", seems it got the eyes that speak!

Andrew Tan said...

wow wat happened? Im glad you are alive. I can see how that can give a new kickstart to your drawings.

mindflyer 小飞人 said...

"'Cause the man from Mars stopped eatin' cars and eatin' bars
And now he only eats GUITARS...."

Hope its got nothing to do with machismo guitar swallowing acts...
love da Octopus!!
Welcome back!! Keep rockin n drawin...