Wednesday, July 30, 2008

fight fight fight!

Two old men were fighting on bus 61 today. The yellow shirt man wanted to get out of his window seat. But the blue man didn't give him enough room. The yellow man started scolding the blue man who then challenged the yellow man to a fight. blue man started shoving. Yellow man snatched an umbrella from an old auntie to use as a club. All the aunties in the bus started panicking and yelling and pulling them apart with the help of a malay man. All was peaceful again when they sat 3 seats apart. Yellow man eyed blue man as he got out of the bus. This happened at the seat right in front of me.


Jt said...

this is funny!!Did you just stay invisible all the while?

mindflyer 小飞人 said...

What!!!??? And you never even take a pix or capture it on camera as movie and post it on STOMP!!??

You just sit there and draw??!!! Amidst all the panick frenzy??

Wah lao eh!! :D

Die-Hard drawer you!!??!!

F L E E said...

Wow, you mean the fight ACTUALLY come to you?
Bus 61 is one heck of a bus...
They might be posing for you, who knows.. (shrugs).
I suggest we take bus route 61 for figure drawing.

Dawn Tan said...

Hahaha. Quite funny. I cannot imagine you sitting there drawing furiously. People must be wondering. hmm.. this guy's weird. Lol.

ken lee said...

this is wicked cool!!
ya, we shall put a belt with pen on the right and sketchbook on the right waist like cowboy. doing bus figure drawing!

D said...

tsk tsk, tan ...