Tuesday, July 22, 2008

MRB New Website!

Hi guys. I got my website up and running. I'll pimp it up as I get better with Dreamweaver :P
Do visit!



Andrew Tan said...

nice B. like the easy to view interface.

Jt said...

Agree. Clean and easy to navigate

mindflyer 小飞人 said...

Looks good!

Under your "ABOUT" section....

"Ben Qwek (MRB) Freelance Illustrator / Visual Stylist"

- No need to state "FREELANCE" its understood and it looks more "pro" imho.
- Under "Blog" since there's no link yet- make it inactive or link to holder page 1st.

Good start bro- hope u get more and more work! :)

ken lee said...

hot stuff!
like inoue takehiko said, "let's imagination takes flight!"