Sunday, December 16, 2007

A Night Before Christmas - L'Officiel Singapore, Dec 2007

Note: click on the pics to see bigger ones...

Sketches & other drawings not in the magazine :


F L E E said...

Ok, here's what i think...
I think you have built up a style thats distinctively yours. However, someone once said:"Style Forgive Everything". Somehow i think thats half true. Right now your "signature" is there, all you need now is to practice and hone the technical aspect of the craft. And also have fun with composition and even different medium (be experimental). I do think you will go a long way if you work hard. And i might just see your work in illustration books real soon.

pins said...

i like the colors of this series of illustrations.
the pencil work looks great.
i love the written type you did for the night before christmas. excellent work here. thumbs up!

sokkuan tye said...

agree! one more humble opinion: a very basic point... wash your brush well. the blending between different colours looks a bit "dirty". ('u')

Andrew Tan said...

this is totally beautiful! i'm really amazed!

AG said...

woah.. i like the texture in your drawings and the Alice in wonderland-esque imagery that you use. the first two seems a little disorganised, but no. 3, 4 and 5 has a good flow.

i really like the 5th piece, nice work!

mindflyer 小飞人 said...

Wow!! Arlene!! Amazing stuff!!

1. I wish all the newbies & students in OIC have half your passion and dedication!! ( not that there isn't any- but MORE is better here...... )

2. I agree with Flee and SK- I will add that you need to work on refining your "shapes" and make the colours less muddy.

3. Bill well! Can draw must also know how not to get ripped by clients ok? If in doubt- ask!! :)

fadedcrimson said...

Thanks all for the feedbacks!

I agree with flee about having to explore more mediums. Also, illustration book?? I'd pass out in heavenly happiness if that *ever*

To sokkuan, yeah, the watercolor work is a bit muddled in parts because of the brushes...I should have cleaned the palette tray more often too.

To ag, in retrospect I also find some ( or most ) of the A3 pieces too crowded-should have pondered more about proper layout and eye flow. :D

To mindflyer: *feels very flattered* XD thanks! Oh and about the billing thing...yeah, I feel really inexperienced about it sometimes. Will it be okay to bug you about those kind of things though? Haha.

To pins & drewscape: thank you for the compliment!

ken lee said...

wow! massive stuff you've got there!
saw your art all around 'Barrack' too! impressive! keep it coming!

i am still exploring my "signature", so glad you guys have one...


nobody said...

Hi lene,

very nice to see ur new works here, true enough u have a distinct style and u will keep growing. whimsical and playful, great job!

Renjie said...

Cool! like your surreal style and those fine pen details. Keep it up!!!

fadedcrimson said...

To ken lee, helen, and renjie : thank you!!

Anonymous said...

i remember seeing these! loved them.. :)