Sunday, December 16, 2007

OMFG series06

Reference from PS (Pretty Style). OMFG- Oh My Fashion Geek. Hope u guys dig. :D


pins said...

so pretty!
: )

sokkuan tye said...

I still prefer your first one in the series (wearing a cap)with much more bolder colourful strokes! this one seems to be too controlled.

benqwek (MRB) said...

Pins- Thks man!

Sokkuan- Yea, i get what u mean, I felt it half way thru painting it. I be stopping these series for awhile now. Wanna reset my painting and my understanding. :)

zxerokool said...

she looks sweet.

I think my only gripe is the hat, haha, somehow I prefer flowing wavy hair. hmm but seeing how it's about fashion maybe its appropriate after all...

maybe a hat with skulls :X nah, kidding haha.