very good control over those vectors! nice and friendly looking characters. and i like the shapes that make up the monkey's head. to be a little more critical, i'd make those characters stranger looking and more unexpected. leaning on the generic/cliche side i think. and i wish the watermark wasn't so big. i prevents ppl from copying but it also makes the image less attractive.
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This is cute! i like the forms and details! ('u')
nice! the colours and details are soo nice..haha...the astronaut somehow makes you wanna laugh too...:)
I like the details.
Thats one cheerful astronaut!
Thanks onlookers!!!
very good control over those vectors! nice and friendly looking characters. and i like the shapes that make up the monkey's head. to be a little more critical, i'd make those characters stranger looking and more unexpected. leaning on the generic/cliche side i think. and i wish the watermark wasn't so big. i prevents ppl from copying but it also makes the image less attractive.
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