Monday, November 13, 2006


Hi folks. i'm glad to be part of this community. this is great! :)

i'm the creator of

Soul Twister is a collection of comics/stories revolving around the lives of the creatures i've created with my pen and notepad. Through cartoons i can fuse thoughts, ideas, illustration, humour, story-telling, character design, poetry, etc into one expression. i can comment on issues in a light hearted way. That's me, i have opinions but at the end of the day, i don't take myself too seriously also.

the site is under a make-over cos i'm still trying to tidy up the contents and picking up dream weaver at the same time so i can maintain my own site. it shouldn't be long before it's up and ready. :)

Here's a mini introduction to 2 of my characters, Hiddon and Woond.

Hiddon, a compulsive liar who's ever thirsty for acceptance. But no one really knows him very well.

Woond, an aching heart whose past hurt has rendered him unable to express himself freely.

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Through all the facade and lies, Hiddon remains a prisoner of his own insecurities.
Hope you guys like this. :)


Bitterjo said...

Beautiful comic. I remembered seeing your character (Vincent..I think)for the first time when we saw each other at Takashimaya for the Schwan Stabilo submission. Your characters have a very poignant feel to them.

from pamm! said...


F L E E said...

we meet at last!!!
welcome to the blog!
Yup, i think having no dialogue for your comic is very "you". You should keep that up.
Thanks for the advice on the tablet, i needed that. said...

Jo, thanks! :)

pamm, 'wee' is good cos it's the opoosite of 'eew'!:P

flee, anytime, buddy! :)